
Elvira x Triumph, TVM 1883
This is a white grape with an unusually generous amount of tannins, yielding a quite substantial white wine. The vines tend to not be fruitful until they are 4-5 years old–patience is required.
Vine Characteristics
A stocky and vigorous vine.
The foliage presents, almost as a clear green.
The clusters are medium sized with big, globular berries that are beautifully transparent at harvest.
Very thin skins.
Susceptible to powdery mildew and sought after by Japanese Beetles and green stink bugs.
Winemaker’s Notes
A white wine, treated like a red.
Rommel is fermented on its skins and once pressed, unveils its medium amber hue.
Can be splash racked or more vigorously punched down during fermentation to oxidize phenolics.
Wines Made from Rommel
Coming soon!