
America x Herbemont, TVM Year Unk.
Amerbonte is a finicky and somewhat difficult grape to cultivate as it is sensitive to frost and highly desirable to birds and other pests. If one achieves success at protecting this delicate cultivar, the wine can be well worth the hardships.
Vine Characteristics
Large dark green shield shaped leaves with bumpy quilt like texture, 5 rounded lobes with shallow sinuses, open petiolar sinus.
Tiny periwinkle-colored clusters with medium sized fruit.
Ripe fruit has a watermelon aroma.
Grapes lose acidity rapidly before reaching optimal brix for harvest.
Substantial acid addition required for this juice.
Low brix accumulation.
Winemaker’s Notes
A diverse wine.
Amerbonte has the potential to be bold, yet low tannin, in a traditional red winemaking method. Or light and interesting when made as a vin gris, meaning nearly zero maceration time. The difference is surely in the skins.
High pH and low acidity.
Malolactic fermentation is essential for stabilization.
Wines Made from Amerbonte
Coming soon!