
Delago x Brilliant, TVM 1889
n. An antique Spanish name referring to a nobleman without hereditary title. Indeed, our Hidalgo is of obscure and uncharted origins, but you will find he is generous and well-proportioned, ready at hand with his rich bouquet.
Vine Characteristics
Very vigorous and favors bull cane production.
Needs a lot of space or buds left at pruning.
Large heart shaped-shield leaves with shallow somewhat rounded teeth.
Unique bark looks stringy but tight silver-grey on 3+yr old wood.
Large pale yellow spherical berries with thin skin.
Large clusters, somewhat compact. Rich soft mesocarp.
Subject to mildew in foliage, generally resists black rot, but subject to ripe rot in fruit.
Confirmed by our observations.
A favorite for Japanese Beetles.
Winemaker’s Notes
Very light color.
Aromatics range from clean fatty/oily to honeydew melon/floral with use of terpene releasing enzyme.
Good resistance to oxidation.
Mild acidity and ripens into an ideal brix/acid balance for high quality table wine.
Experimenting with Malolactic Fermentation.