Last Rose

Last Rose
Armlong x Jefferson, TVM 1902
Last Rose is one of the final ripening grapes, Clark Smith, our viticulture consultant, loved the particular flavors of the wine and encouraged us to expand our production. It yields a floral wine with wild plum notes.
Vine Characteristics
Hot pink clusters, shouldered, and slightly red shoots.
Imperfect flower which needs to be sown near vines with those of a perfect flower.
Late ripening, in fact, six months passes from the time of budbreak to harvest.
Of all the grapes, the coloration is most sensitive to the amount of sunlight vs canopy cover—fully ripe fruit can be dark red, or almost wholly green.
Winemaker’s Notes
Another pink grape.
Perfect pH, higher acidity, and lower alcohol potential.
Pressed juice is strikingly orange–resembling carrot juice.
Wines Made from Last Rose
Coming soon!