
Seedling of Jeager No. 70, TVM 1885
No one else in the entire world is making a commercial, 100%-varietal, fine wine from the America grape. Our first vintage of this incredible offering showed us that America is incredibly unique in character, more-so than many wines we make.
Vine Characteristics
Moderately vigorous.
Small shield shaped leaves with saw-like teeth.
Open air canopy with red colored shoots and petioles.
Loose clusters with strong disease resistance.
Medium size berries that are spherical.
Ripe fruit has a purple color.
Produces a lot of secondary crops that does not ripen fully before frost.
Winemaker’s Notes
When crushed, America produces a light, red juice.
Typically fermented on skins.
This high acid, low tannin wine produces a grape candy aroma. These aromatics encourage America to be vinted with a touch of sweetness or as a port wine, which it is well suited to be.
Unlike most reds, malolactic fermentation is not always necessary.
Wines Made from America
Coming soon!