
Lindley x Delaware, TVM 1883
We assume Brilliant gets its name from being just that, brilliant. This cultivar is seriously versatile as it can endure temperatures down to -15 degrees °F as well as withstand hot Missouri summers. Additionally, Brilliant tends to thrive in sandy or limy soils.
Vine Characteristics
Dark red and fragile shoots.
Fibrous leaf texture with a distinct white color on the underside of the leaf.
Majority of the shoots come out of the basal bud rather than, “spur buds.”
Skins of the grape are light pink, uneven fruit set and often have many stunted berries at full ripeness.
Winemaker’s Notes
Pink fruit makes for curious cellar work.
Difficult to extract color but can be achieved through extended maceration.
Lower acidity, pH can be slightly high.
When making a white wine, Brilliant is still fermented on skins but only for a short period.
Does okay with some exposure to oxygen.
Lower alcohol potential for this bright and exceptionally tart wine.
Wines Made from Brilliant
Coming soon!