
Premier x Triumph, TVM 1883
One of the more productive and vigorous of all of the vines, but also one that is the most variable in the fruits it produces. In some years the ripened fruit almost seems to hang indefinitely, and birds are indifferent to it. In other years, the birds clean it out in a matter of days. A grape of great promise that will require some serious exploration, as we believe it has significant potential and are expanding production of it.
Vine Characteristics
Vigorous and tends to produce mostly bull canes but few shoots.
Canes on VSP system reach 12’ long. Perhaps better suited to high wire.
Leaves have a leathery texture, shield shape, five distinct lobes, shallow sinuses, open petiole sinus, and triangular teeth.
Fruit remains very hard and crunchy through ripening.
Mute aromatics in the fruit.
Separates easily from skin.
Skin has a smoky iridescent red color to it.
Appears to be completely resistant to Phomopsis.
Incredible disease resistance.
Winemaker’s Notes
Surprising wild fruity character emerges in wine after fermentation.
Very light, bright magenta to pink sapphire color and light-medium body.
Very little tannin if any in wine. (Potentially due to PR protein)
Blended and barreled, Carman is opening into an interestingly complex wine.
Now giving pungent tropical fruit aromatics like guava, and a slight dolce de leche quality.
Color was improved in 2017 by leaf pulling at veraison completely exposing fruit zone through harvest on north-facing side of canopy.
Wines Made from Carman
Coming soon!