Enjoy a selection of legendary Pinot Noir with TerraVox Winery Owner, Jerry Eisterhold!
This should prove to be a very exciting tasting, rich with opportunities for discussion, and especially intriguing to those who are fond of Pinot Noir.
Each Wine Exploratory Night, we seek to cultivate our enjoyment of wine—honing our palates, educating our senses, sharing anecdotes about the evening’s wines, and savoring the occasional recollection of a bottle consumed long ago
But the best part of this grand tasting might just be the questions we get to ask. For this iteration we have chosen wines that will help us inquire: what is the personality of a wine, and how might the personalities of several wines be compared?
Is personality, as we apply that word to wine, the manifestation of climate, soil, and season? Is it perhaps an extension of the personality of the grape grower or winemaker? Or is it an expression of yet more mysterious and ephemeral qualities? We can say this much without reservation: the bottles we’ve chosen are well-suited to the encouragement of lively and entertaining conversation, so join us!
*You do not have to be a wine expert to join us- we're just here to have fun!
Tickets HERE: